
Gilbert Tanner is a robotics researcher and Bachelor student at the University of Klagenfurt. He studied Electronics and Computer Science at HTL Mössingerstraße from 2016 to 2021. For his diploma project, he worked on 'HASCY – HTLs Asfinag Safety Cat', a rail-bound sledge for tunnel security created in cooperation with the ASFINAG and HTL Lastenstraße, which was turned into an industrial project after graduation.
Scientific awards include Jugend Innovative 2020/21 Category "Engineering I", Innovation@School 2020/21, Bosch Technik fürs Leben-Preis 2021 Category "Mobility Solutions", TÜV Austria Wissenschaftspreis 2021 Category "HTL-Abschlussarbeiten", KFV Forschungspreis 2022 Category "Höhere berufsbildende Schulen" among others for project HASCY.